Welcome To All West Bengal Sales Representatives' Union

About Us

Formed on 27th July, 1975, All West Bengal Sales Representatives' Union (AWBSRU) is a consolidation of sales promotion employees irrespective of cast, creed, gender and partisan politics to counter the onslaught of management and to demand of the state to protect them by enacting and implementing laws. Unorganized sales workers, always a victim of intimidation, exploitation and deprivation of wage, security and social securities have waged a long battle to find an ideal forum to combat these menaces and union has always thrived to fulfill the aspiration of its members.

The union has believed in encompassing maximum number of sales promotion employees under its fold, irrespective of their employment in small or big capital-based companies or type of industries - pharma or non - pharma. Such an omnibus character of the Union has strengthened its struggling capacity and has uplifted thousands of sales promotion employees from their miseries in finding a respectable workers' position in their respective workplace.

Bereft of legal solace in absence of protective laws, Union played an important role in achieving The Sales Promotion Employees (conditions of service) Act in 1976. An accolade for a newly formed union. Our Union also accomplished crucial role in incorporating the sales promotion employees as 'workman' under the purview of Section 2(s) of The Industrial Disputes Act 1947 through state ammendment in West Bengal. Long battle over decades for achieving Minimum Wages to save marginal sales workers from wage exploitation has not yet given fruition of our hope due to apathy of the state Government. Practicing democratic trade unionism all these years, we have strengthened the struggle for pro-people drug policy & health care, revival of public sector drug industry, integration of field-factory-office workers, safeguarding the interests of sales workers at different platforms and international solidarity of workers.

Conscious members of the organization to fight out any attack of the management are our primary strength and we have courageously fought many long drawn battles against monopolistic capital of Pharma and non Pharma companies to achieve our goal. Such mile stone movements have given us courage and strength to squarely deal with any attacks on members valiantly.